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The Fitness Fraternity Logo

Ts and Cs

The undersigned individual (the Member) hereby indicates their desire to become a member of Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this gym membership agreement.

Health Attestation:
The member attests that they are fully able to participate in an exercise regimen of their design or choosing without undue risk.

Gym Membership Dues & Termination:
The Member agrees to pay either daily, weekly, monthly, or annual dues. These dues may be paid by automatic debit (direct debit) or card transaction or in-person via debit, credit, or cash.

Termination of Membership: 
Complete a termination form. Failure to meet the required deadline will result in a further month’s fees being charged.


12 month membership - by accepting these terms & conditions you agree to a minimum of 12 months commitment. 1 billing month notice is required from month 13. 


Rolling Direct Debit - by accepting these terms & conditions you agree to providing 1 billing months notice for termination.



By accepting these terms & conditions upon sign up you take full responsibility for your actions while training & train at your own risk. Fitness Fraternity Gym will not be held responsible for injury or harm.  

Member Access:

This gym membership agreement entitles the member to access to Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd facilities so long as all dues are current.

Hours and specific location access are as follows: 67-71 Heaton Road, Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 5HH

Personal & Group Training:
Personal training and fitness classes are offered by the gym but are not included in the member’s membership dues. Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd reserves the right to demand additional fees for any personal or group training that the Member chooses to participate in. 

This gym membership serves as a liability release, pursuant to which the Member agrees to indemnify and hold Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd harmless against all claims of loss or damage without limitation.

Gym Rules & Participation:
The Member hereby agrees to abide by all posted safety guidelines and regulations while using Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd facilities and equipment. Additionally, the Member agrees to dress and conduct themselves in a manner deemed appropriate for a fitness facility. The Member shall not consume drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products on Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd property. The Member must treat all fixtures & fittings within Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd with respect. This includes, but not limited to; re-racking weights, equipment & machines, not leaving equipment on the gym floor, being polite & courteous to other members, being polite & respectful to all members of staff. Additionally, all breakages / damages must be reported to reception immediately. Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd reserves the right to revoke the Member’s access if these terms are violated.

Binding Law:
This gym membership contract shall be considered binding upon the Member and Fitness Fraternity Gym Ltd and shall be upheld and enforced in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom. Any legal proceedings related to this gym membership contract shall take place in courts located in the United Kingdom.

By accepting these terms & conditions you enter this gym membership contract in acknowledgement and acceptance of the terms listed above.

"Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be."

- Unknown

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